The Current Situation of Municipal Solid Waste In India

Author: Winner Group   Time: 2018-03-22

The complex geographical environment in India leads to the different consumption habits of the local people, so it is necessary to deal with the different types of household garbage. Municipal solid waste management (MSWM) is a key element of sustainable urban development, including isolation, storage, collection, to move, handling, processing and disposal of solid waste, to minimize the adverse impact on the environment. Unmanaged MSW is a factor in the spread of countless diseases.


Henan Winner Vibrating Equipment Co., Ltd.


The following major categories of waste are usually found in Indian municipal solid waste:

1) biodegradable waste: food and kitchen waste, green waste (vegetables, flowers, leaves, fruit) and paper.
2) recyclable materials: paper, glass, bottles, cans, metals, some plastics, etc.
3) inert waste: C&D, dirt, debris.
4) compound waste: old clothes, four pieces, waste plastics, such as toys.
5) domestic hazardous waste (also known as "household hazardous waste") and toxic waste: waste medicine, e-waste, paint, chemicals, light bulbs, fluorescent tubes, spray cans, fertilizer.

There are pesticide containers, batteries and shoe polish.


Henan Winner Vibrating Equipment Co., Ltd.


There are no city in India can deal with 100% waste at dwelling unit, about 70% waste collection can be observed, the remaining 30% is again mixed up and lost in the urban environment. Out of total waste collected, only 12.45% waste is scientifically processed and rest is disposed in open dumps.


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